Lauren explains that her mother used to bathe every day. Her mother now refuses and says she’s afraid of the water. Lauren wants to know what to do.
Subtitle Languages: French & Hungarian
Common response: Lauren attempts to get her mother to shower. Her mother resists and tells Lauren to leave her alone. Lauren pleads with her mother but gets nowhere. She leaves the room, frustrated.
Expert explanation: REFUSAL TO BATHE is a common behavior in people with dementia. Bathing can become scary as dementia progresses. Since bathing is a personal activity, the recommended approach is to be sensitive, tactful and respectful of the person’s dignity and sense of modesty.
Recommended response: Lauren tells her mother it is time for her spa treatment. She is able to get her mother near the bathroom and then tells her before each step what she is about to do. Lauren remains calm and kind and asks her mother to test the water temperature. She makes slow, thoughtful movements so as not to scare or startle her mother. She also asks her mother to participate, letting her do what she can to bathe herself.